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Mental Health and Depression


Sadness and grief are normal human emotions. We all have those feelings from time to time, but they usually go away within a few days. Major depression is something more. It’s a period of overwhelming sadness. It involves a loss of interest in things that used to bring pleasure. Those feelings are usually accompanied by other emotional and physical symptoms. Untreated, depression can lead to serious complications that put your life at risk. Fortunately, most people can be effectively treated (

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  • sadness

  • tiredness

  • trouble focusing or concentrating

  • unhappiness

  • anger

  • irritability

  • frustration

  • loss of interest in pleasurable or fun activities

  • sleep issues (too much or too little)

  • no energy

  • craving unhealthy foods

  • anxiety

  • isolation...

Treatment for depression include

  1. Medications

  2. Psychological counseling (psychotherapy)

  3. Meditation

  4. Guided Imagery

  5. Relaxation Music

  6. Learning to monitor your thoughts and feelings

  7. Challenging your self-defeating, fearful, negative feelings and thoughts

  8. Exercise

  9. Reaching out to someone safe that you can talk to.

  10. Walking your pet

  11. Massages and other self-care practices (manicures, pedicures, spa treatments)

  12. You add to the list—what makes you feel better

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